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WupY "What's up Youth"
World Service Enquiry for international development jobs, overse...
World Service Enquiry providing information about careers in international development and aid
NEAR N etwork for E ducation and A cademic R ights
NEAR - N etwork for E ducation and A cademic R ights. NEAR's purpose is to facilitate the rapid global transfer of accurate information in response to breaches of academi...
EuroBrussels.com - Jobs in Brussels, EU institutions and Interna...
EuroBrussels.com - Jobs in Brussels, EU institutions and International Organisations. EuroBrussels finds you European Affairs jobs in Brussels, the EU Institutions, Inter...
A Charity for the Children of Africa - Abaana
A Christian charity which aims to show young people here that the can make a difference for the children in Africa. Child sponsorship, Summer teams, building schools, and...
Panos Pictures - Photo agency specialising in global social issu...
Photo agency representing an international network of documentary photographers specialising in global social issues. Founded in London in 1986 and part-owned by an NGO...
WOMANKIND Worldwide . Creating a World of Difference.

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