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Home - Royal Armouries - National Museum of Arms and Armour, keeper of Tower of London history, and the National Collection of Artillery. Museums in Leeds, West Yorkshire...
Database of Lancashire Cemeteries Salford Manchester Accrington, Burnley,Blackburn,Nelson,Great Marsden, and Preston. North West United Kingdom. A useful tool for family...
Falcon & Foxglove Estate Agents in East Lancashire. Estate Agents Burnley, Estate Agents Nelson, Estate Agents Barnoldswick, Estate Agents Colne.
Information on naval operations during the period 1650-1850 and a listing of age of sail related fiction and links
One of Nelson Mandela's first actions on becoming President of the newly democratic South Africa in 1994 was to establish the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. He committed...
The restaurant has been around since 1997 but is now under new management and has recently reopened wit a new contemporary design after a major refurbishment. The main re...
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