PSL S.A. - CMMi 5 nearshore software development and outsourcing...
PSL is a CMMI 5 nearshore/offshore software development and outsourcing firm from Latin America.
Java Outsourcing
Baroo Software is an Enterprise Java Outsourcing company with developers in Eastern Europe. Java Outsourcing done right.
Hogarth - Homepage
Hogarth is a new type of production resource - an advertising implementation agency - built upon years of top-level experience in production and global advertising delive...
TYPO3 (extension development, consultant, provider) and Drupal (...
TYPO3 development, TYPO3 extension development, TYPO3 consultant, TYPO3 provider, Drupal development, Drupal module development, Drupal theme development, Romania, Cluj...
Test Direct - The UK's Premier Financial Services Testing Organi...
Test Direct are the UK's Premier Financial Services Testing Organisation
Nearshore Software Development Company - Intellias
Nearshore software development company (Eastern Europe, Ukraine). Representative office in Switzerland. ISO 9001 certified. Extensive technical expertise. Consistent deve...
Customеr Cаre BG :: Oрtimisation of businеss processes, contаct...
Optimization of business processes, world-class Contact Center System, call center, multimedia customer interactions via all channels - telephone, e-mail, web, chat, SMS....
Business Process Outsourcing, Business Process Outsourcing Bpo...
bpo gives detailed information about Business Process Outsourcing, business process outsourcing solution, business process outsourcing bpo, business process outsourcing t...
Another Keeper Charters - Boca Grande Tarpon Fishing, Florida Fi...
Light-tackle, inshore and offshore fishing charters. Tarpon fishing, Snook fishing, Goliath Grouper fishing. Charlotte Harbor, Lemon Bay and Boca Grande fishing guide. An...
Techteam Akela | Nearshore IT Software Development Outsourcing c...
TechTeam Akela - Nearshore / Offshore Software Application Outsourcing Company from Eastern Europe, Romania

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