Elite Family Care, Sarasota nannies, Newborn nannies, Babysitter...
Sarasota, Florida’s Elite Family Care is a full service nanny, newborn nanny, babysitter, event sitter, and senior companion care agency. We serve Sarasota, Bradenton, Si...
Seek Parents - A local parents network, playdates, childcare swa...
Find parents close to your home for playdates, moms clubs, childcare swap, kids pickup/drop off, nanny shares. Find babysitters, nannies, daycares near you.
The Sitter Finder - Find Babysitters, Nannies, Child Care &...
Sitter Finder helps you find Sitters, Nannies and more in your area. Find a Sitter or Nanny today with no limitations FREE!
Child Care New Zealand
Child Care New Zealand has been created to give New Zealand parents great information on child care options in New Zealand.
Nannies Housekeepers and Chauffeurs on Greenhousestaffing.com |...
Nanny, Housekeeper and Domestic/Household Staff Recruitment Agency for New York, Tri-State Area and Nationwide. Greenhouse Agcy Ltd has over 30 years of excellence in pe...
Nurseries and Creches in Kent
Nurseries schools, Day care centres, Child minders and Nannies in Kent, South east England, United Kingdom
London Nanny Maternity Nurse agency, nanny agencies in London...
Fulham Nannies for placement of qualified and experienced nanny and maternity nurse positions based in London, who specialise in nannies, maternity nurses, mothers helps...
Sunshine Nannies: UK nanny agency - full time nannies, part tim...
UK nanny agency providing full & part time nannies, mother's helps, maternity nurses and qualified childcarers. Sunshine Nannies offices: Trowbridge, Wiltshire and Hampsh...
The Nanncy Agency, Inc. - - - Home - - -
Serving the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex area. Member of the International Nanny Association and Better Business Bureau.

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