Distance Learning Centre Psychology Nursing Midwifery Social Wor...
UK Online Access to HE Courses in Nursing, Midwifery, Teaching, Social Work, Uniformed Services, Psychology, Physiotherapy and Social Sciences
The UK's largest online archive of midwifery articles | inte...
The UK's largest online archive of peer-reviewed midwifery articles.
RCM home - Royal College of Midwives
Information on the support and information provided to the UK midwifery sector and every midwife working there, NHS and private, by the Royal College of Midwives.
Gentle Water - Birthing Pools - Pregnancy & Birth Services
GentleWater birthing pools for home birth have heaters and filters. Warm clean water is available 24/7. Relaxation in late pregnancy and pain relief in labour are the rea...
Medical Electives, Nursing Electives, Elective Placements | Work...
Work the World offer healthcare elective placements abroad. Medical, nursing, dentistry, midwifery, physiotherapy and radiography electives in Africa, Asia and South Amer...
Job vacancy search: Which health sector?
HealthJobsUK: The UK's largest health vacancies database. Jobs in all health sectors.
Jon Baines Tours
Jon Baines Tours allows participants to experience aspects of destination's society and culture through unique contacts, specialist visits and talks.
Welcome to Baby Birth and Beyond
Baby Birth and Beyond, Birthing Center in CDA, Baby Supplies, Midwifery, midwives in CDA, birth kits, birthing supplies, midwifery supplies, waterbirth, water birth, home...
AIMS - Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services Ho...
Information on pregnancy and childbirth care - campaigning for parents and professionals in the UK and Ireland.
Mediserv Nursing Job
We are a Nursing Employment Agency placing Registered, Specialist, Enrolled Nurses and Nursing Assistants in hospitals throughout Australia.

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