eBuddy Web Messenger is a web based instant messaging service. Chat online with friends on MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk, Facebook and MySpace IM, even behind a firewall.
Oasis.com - 100% Free Dating - with automated matching and instant messenger communication. Search for fun, friendly singles with similar interests, find the perfect matc...
Whether you are looking to buy a bag for your brand new laptop or you've decided to buy one for your old notebook, a computer messenger bag may be useful to anyone with a...
If you are going to buy a nylon messenger bag that is classic and stylish then Incase is a good choice. Incase is well known for their quality nylon messenger bag because...
0 Reviews [ www.msn.be ]
MSN, dat is nieuws, entertainment, video, sport, lifestyle, auto en nog veel meer... en natuurlijk je weg naar Hotmail en Messenger
Yahoo! India - the Indian edition of this major portal offers local & global search, free Yahoo! Mail & Instant messenger, news, finance, movies, sports and entertainment
0 Reviews [ icq.de.com ]
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