My Buddies Bar — Community-Focused Restaurant and Sports B...
My Buddies Bar is an extremely community-focused restaurant and sports bar that loves to mix it up. We're locally owned, operated, and managed, and are here to bring Madi...
Bipolar Betty
Betty loves words but often doesn't know how to spell them. She carries a dictionary with her at all tymes. She has a closet full of kitten sweatshirts. She also has...
** Do You Love Someone.... Checkout How Much He/She Loves You......
A quick and easy way to calculate the chance of a successful relationship between you and your lover, find out if the relationship will work out.
Cute Pictures of Puppies
Upload and enjoy cute pictures of puppies. Everyone loves a cute puppy picture dont they?
hafiz ridha's blog
hafiz ridha's blog - just another digital log from ordinary boy who loves networking, programing, and unix
Barbara Palmer ~ Welcome!
Arizona artist, Barbara Pamer loves watercolor... painting places dear to her heart! Letting the water do the work, she thrills at the mixing of pigments wet into wet rig...
Lotus Loves People - Slimmer werken met IBM Lotus Software
Onder het motto ‘Lotus Loves’ hebben in totaal vijfentwintig IBM business partners en IBM Nederland een campagne opgezet om te laten zien dat het Lotus portfolio als geen...
Tuscany villa rentals :: Torre del Guado vacation villa for rent...
Tuscany villa rentals :: Torre del Guado is a vacation villa for rent with swimming pool in Tuscany :: Villas in Tuscany are highly sought after by anyone who loves art...
Design a japanese garden
Japanese Garden San Diego is all about classical Japanese landscape. This is called a friendship garden that is suitable for every individual who loves to have peaceful a...