golocalise - Voice Over Services, Foreign Language Translatio...
GoLocalise offers a fully-integrated media localisation package, including document, script and video game translation services, foreign language voice over services and...
Translation software: Translation Memory, Terminology Management...
Discover SDL's leading solutions in translation memory software, software localization and terminology management
Translation Agency Services UK : London Translations : Translati...
London Translations : London based translation agency offering high-quality translation, interpreting and website localisation services.
Ellogos greek english translation, italian, english. Web and sof...
english greek translation, Italian and English translation, Software localization. Professional greek translators. Greek, italian and english.
Livingword :: Translation and interpreting agency
Translation and interpreting agency based in Northamptonshire, England, offering language services to business. This website outlines the different products available and...
Mumbojumbo - foreign voice over and dubbing
Mumbojumbo provides a comprehensive service for foreign language versioning – dubbing, foreign voice over, translation, recording studios and post production facilities-...
Translation Software, Training and Consulting for the profession...
Translation Software, Training and Consulting for the professional translation from Amicus TransTec
Russian Translation London UK Interpreter Translator Quality Qui...
Professional reliable English-Russian-English translation and interpreting globally from Scotland's financial capital Edinburgh. UK and International. As used by governme...
Marketing translation, advertising adaptation and transcreation...
Marketing translation Creative translation transcreation advertising copy adaptation for markets around the world. Localisation of ads brochures web copy and other market...

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