Lice Xterminator LLC - home
Tulsa, Oklahoma's #1 Natural Head Lice Treatment| Removal Business| We Kill live lice in seconds and their hatching Eggs! We will get rid of your Head Lice "Nightm...
PestWest manufacturing fly control units using ultraviolet (UV) light to kill insect pests. Including professional sticky traps and electronic fly killers (EFKs) - Chamel...
SpidaTrap | Spider Catcher | catch and get rid of spiders
Hate Spiders? Me too, thats why I invented The SpidaTrap - a trap to help you stop spiders. This innovative Spider Catcher allows you to easily catch spiders and then ki...
The National Sweet Itch Centre and the Boett Blanket - sweet itc...
At present there is no cure for Sweet Itch. Once an animal develops the allergy it generally faces a 'life-sentence'and every spring, summer and autumn are a distressing...
Kill Flies with The Amazing Flygun
The Amazing Flygun: the fun fast way to kill flies. This fantastic fly swatter shoots a spring powered plastic swatter at flies and mosquitos. A cool gadget that really w...
Commercial Laundry Equipment from JLA | Industrial Laundry Machi...
Suppliers of commercial laundry machines and industrial laundry equipment, washing machines, tumble dryers and rotary ironers on our Total Care service package. Including...
Home - Adoptable Critters
The Blount County Humane Society is a Grass Roots Citizen Based 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization made up of caring and loving people that are “Dedicated to Helping All God...
Spacious Skies Inc. Non-Profit Animal Rescue | LifeCare Animal S...
non profit No Kill animal rescue life care Bird and Animal sanctuary. Provides Life care Sanctuary for those deemed unadoptable due to behavioral problems from abuse and...