VB/Research - Welcome
VB/Research is a leading global source of sector-focused proprietary deal intelligence, data, news and research on investors and their investments, M&A and the public...
Strategy advice, operations support and market intelligence | An...
Analysys Mason delivers strategy advice, operations support, and market intelligence worldwide to leading commercial and public sector organisations in telecoms, IT, and...
Intelligent Telemarketing Services from Blue Donkey for B2B, Out...
Blue Donkey Ltd, UK - providing B2B outbound and inbound Telemarketing Services a new and different breed of telemarketing. The size of Blue Donkey belies their truly hig...
Ci: Creative Intelligence
CI: Creative intelligence is a creative consultancy specialising in delivering inspiring and effective courses and workshops for people from businesses and other organisa...
Ace of Spies - The True Story of Sidney reilly
The Real James Bond Sidney Reilly Codename ST1
The ELT Newsletter
The ELT Newsletter - THE web forum for teachers of English!
Home Page
Area 52. A website dedicated to the S.E.T.I{a}Home project which uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Intelligent search technology and Information management solutio...
Memex specialises in intelligence management technology including enterprise search, data integration and sharing, fusion centre technology for security, industry and gov...
IHS Fairplay - The Source for Maritime Information and Insight |...
IHS Fairplay - The Source for Maritime Information and Insight to the maritime industry. Maintaining databases on ships, real-time and historic vessel movements, owners...

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