Centiq :: Premium IT consulting, architecture, design and implem...
Centiq :: Premium IT consulting, architecture, design and implementation services :: IBM System P, System X, Storage, SAP BWA
Customer management, multi-channel call centres - Customer Consu...
CCL is a specialist consultancy and implementation company. We help you to optimise return on investment in customer management, multi-channel call centres and online.
ITIL® ISO/IEC20000 COBIT SOX Best Practice-Training,Consulta...
IT Service Management: ITIL ISO/IEC20000 COBIT Best Practice-Training,Consultancy,Implementation,Automation from Fox IT
The food people: thefoodpeople
Food trends, food ideation services, new food products and concepts, range of creative services to the food industry includes creation and implementation of new, profitab...
MindWorks Marketing: Practical marketing services - advertising...
MindWorks Marketing is a full service agency based in Hampshire and Sussex offering you help and support with all your marketing, from strategy and research through to fu...
LSC Group Ltd | ILS | CWE | Risk Management | Asset Management |...
LSC Group Ltd are specialists in the consultation, implementation and managment of integrated logistics (ILS), collaborative working environment (CWE), risk management, a...
independent security consultants - SGW Security Consulting
SGW Security Consulting is a team of multi-disciplined, consulting engineers, fire and security professionals and project managers, specialising in securing the Built Env...
Enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise Management Software -...
UNIT4 Software offers a fully-integrated suite of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions for both public and private sector organizations, including local governmen...

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