- Promoting palliative care, Opposing euthanasia
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Working together to help everyone affected by severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder & depression recover a better quality of life.
Store and retrieve your medical information anywhere in the world, and now get travel insurance for people with pre-existing illnesses.
St. David's Foundation Hospice Care - St. David's provides hospice care to over 2000 people with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses
hyperventilation (or overbreathing) is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than normal. It can result from a psychological state such as a panic attack, from a ph...
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Proper Cat Health Care offers information on taking care of your pet cat, thus greatly improving your relationship with your cat friend. Expert Pet health care advice by Holistic Veterinarian, author, researcher,and Board Certified Anti-Aging Pet Health Diplomat, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM. Dr...