Mark Morris - Horror and Thriller Writer
Homepage of Horror and Thriller writer Mark Morris (a.k.a. J.M. Morris)
FAX 21 - illustrated science fiction humour and general satire
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fax 21 is a faux news service of satirical faction for sci-fi, fantasy and horror fans, with fantastic art and pictures
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Sci Fi News, Movie reviews, interviews and exclusive videos. SciFI Now breaks new ground with its cutting-edge approach to features, reviews and news. Brought to you by...
SexGoreMutants - The Independent home of Horror on DVD
Launched on Halloween night 1999, *** Gore Mutants is one of the longest running websites promoting horror and cult films on DVD, Blu-ray and in Theatres with reviews, in... News
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Dark fantasy and surreal art of Nela Dunato | In obscuro
Surreal, fantasy, horror, macabre and dark art gallery of Nela Dunato. Dark art prints, drawings, paintings and photo-manipulation. Offering free Photoshop brushes, tutor...