The International Register of Consultant Herbalists and Homoeopaths. IRCH est 1960. The true home of Herbalists and Homoeopathic consultants.
Godshaer Herbalist is a consultancy of herbal medicine and mail order of premium Godshaer Herbal Health Products developed by Alan Hopking MA MNIMH a Medical Herbalist fo...
Luzia Barclay is a medical herbalist in North Dorset, book a consultation, join a course, read about herbs or buy from a range or organic herbs and tinctures
Specialist herbal remedies developed in clinical practice by registered herbalist David Blackwell. Tinctures; Cleanse packages for Bowel, Liver and Kidney; Herbal teas. W...
Beanfreaks is the home of Swiss Herbal Remedies. Stuart Fitzsimmons is the medical herbalist behind this range. Since being Established in 1985, herbalist Stuart FitzSi...
Acupuncturist & Chinese herbalist Hye-Eun Hills in Brighton, Hove, Lewes, East Sussex UK for acupuncture and Chinese herbs
Chinese Herbs Direct - Hundreds of Chinese herbs, traditional Chinese remedies, herbal formulas and teas.
Herbalist Health, dedicated to the helping you with your health naturally., Herbal medicine is the use of plant remedies to treat disease, it is a complimentary therapy t...