Gelert Country Choice - hypoallergenic dog food for working dogs...
Gelert Country Choice offers a specially formulated, premium range of rice based, wheat free and soya free, hypoallergenic dog food for your hard working sporting dog, gu...
IANSA the international voice against gun violence
The International Action Network on Small Arms has over 500 member groups working for gun control and against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons
DCA Instruments :: Specialists in UHV and MBE thin film systems...
Systems and components for UHV thin film deposition including MBE, sputtering, effusion cells, e-beam evaporator and valved crackers
Zero In : Airsoft Forums - Powered by vBulletin
Zero In Airsoft Forums - Part of the Largest UK Airsoft Network by Zero One Airsoft
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5 Star Fancy Dress offer over 5,000 in stock fancy dress costumes, wigs and accessories from Halloween and Hawaiian to South Park and Top Gun.
The Brittany Club of Great Britain :
The Official Website for The Brittany Club of Great Britain. Information on Brittanys, Club Activities, Upcoming Events, The History of the Brittany, The Brittany Breed S...
Kill Flies with The Amazing Flygun
The Amazing Flygun: the fun fast way to kill flies. This fantastic fly swatter shoots a spring powered plastic swatter at flies and mosquitos. A cool gadget that really w...
Combat South - Welcome
Combat South - Airsoft Specialists in retail and skirmish sites
Speed Cameras from UK Speed Cameras
The resource for links to speed camera and radar trap sites on the web, giving you a chance to drive within the law.

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