Lifeline ministers to thousands in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba and Canada, and provides volunteer opportunities in the USA. Spiritually, Lifeline ministers through...
Best Selling Author and Womens Dream Life Expert Tina Ferguson Can Show You How - Live Your Dream Life with Passion and Purpose
This is the biographical story of the hundreds of miracles in the lives of two country doctors, and ministers who dedicated their lives to healing people. Then one day i...
To God Be The Glory!! From the 2nd Annual “Music For The Soul” to Bikers’ Weekends, Bikers Rallies, Hog Heaven, Fund Raiser Concert, the progress in the Theater/Studio, P...
Exploding Word Ministries - Preaching acceptable Words from Scriptures to proclaiming the Word of a Loving God to a Dying World
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Presents the entire Bible, both old and new testaments, online in an easy to read and browse.
Gospel Light Christian Church Singapore - An independent, non-denominational Christian church in Singapore, offering sermons, audio downloads, video downloads, devotional...
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imakers a/s - Inventions to market. Hos imakers er den gode idé i centrum. Og vi mener i al beskedenhed, at imakers også selv bygger på en ganske god idé. En vision om at...
Kingdom Life Television is a Christian television dedicated to prophetic teaching and preaching the life changing messages of the Kingdom of God. KLTV is also a platform...
Spiritually Led: Developing spiritual awareness in Christians who are learning to walk in a deeper, more spiritual relationship with God.