Humor geeky - Humor geek y friki
Blog de humor geek y friki.Diviértete con las imágenes, vídeos y gadgets geeky más originales y graciosos.
London rock bands: KING RAT - classic and electro-rock anthems
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Classic rock and electro rock anthems from London. If Jimmy Page had grown up listening to Radiohead. King Rat
are a London rock band with heart wrenching guitar riffs, s...
London Geek Dinners
Home of the London Geek Dinners. A meetup for geeks and anyone interested in tech and anything geeky.
Tony's Wibbles
A collection of articles and blogs by Anthony James McCreath. Covering travels, software development and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tips.
Harry Bailey - Just a little bit geeky
Harry Bailey is a web developer from Manchester, UK who has a bad memory. This blog is mostly used as a memory upgrade.
GeekTown - PC gaming, mmorpg news, movie news, movie reviews, sc...
GeekTown is GeekTown - Dave Elliott & Daryl Williams Blog about PC Gaming, MMORPG news, movie news, movie reviews, Sci-fi, Gagdets, and other Geeky Stuff.
The Poorhouse
Welcome to the Poorhouse - an entirely pointless bloggy site with news, views and opinion on stuff.
Convenient Gadgets & Gifts. Unique Gifts. Gadget Style.
Convenient Gadgets & Gifts sells Gadget Gifts you can't find just anywhere - Unique Gifts, Gadget Style. Use the Gift Picker to find gifts for any occasion including...