Jazz Violinist - Billy Thompson. Jazz Violin Improvisation in Ja...
Jazz Violin - Billy Thompson, Award Winning Improvising Violinist. Billy improvises Jazz, Rock, Gypsy, Folk, Fusion, Blues, World & Dance music. Electric violin, acou...
livingtradition.org.uk | Traditional Music Summer Schools and ot...
Office site for The Living Tradition Summer Schools and other traditional music events.
Websites by Peter Loud
Websites by Peter Loud, Digital Maps, Fiddle Tune Books and Photographs by Peter Loud
The official web-site of Uilleann piper and multi-instrumentalis...
Becky Taylor - Irish Uilleann Piper and Folk musician
Scottish Fiddle Orchestra
0 Reviews [ sfo.org.uk ]
The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra - Scotland's foremost tradtional music organisation
The Kitchen Musician Site
The Kitchen Musician Website has a colleciton of traditional tunes in gif and midi form, article on historical tunes, hammered dulcimer information, music books, Jink and...
The Gold Ring - Live Celtic music for weddings and receptions in...
The Gold Ring Duo-Live Celtic music duo catering for weddings, wedding receptions, corporate events and other events in UK. Celtic harp,flute,Uilleann pipes and other ins...
Country Music in Britain
0 Reviews [ cmib.co.uk ]
Promoting British country music and British Country Artists. Yes there are many good country music acts in Great Britain.
Age Concern & Help the Aged are now Age UK | Elderly Fina...
Age Concern and Help the Aged are now Age UK. Information and advice for the elderly about benefits, care, age discrimination and computer courses.