| The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11
On 9/11, the US TV networks used computer generated sceneries of Manhattan. Multiple techniques of image manipulation were employed to simulate 'airplanes crashing into t...
Left Foot Forward | Evidence-based political blogging
Left Foot Forward is a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.
San Diego DUI Attorney | DUI Lawyer San Diego | San Diego Drunk...
If you have been arrested for a DUI in San Diego contact attorney Ian Pancer. We offer a FREE consultation, call us right away 619-955-6653.
Sincerely, Anubis
Sincerely, Anubis ( was created by Travis Weston in July of 2010 to combat stupidity in this world. It was created as an outlet for his frustra...
Big Brother Watch
Big Brother Watch fights intrusions on the privacy and liberties of British people.

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