Solversa Technologies - Open Source Development, ERP, Business I...
Solversa, leader in OPD, PHP Development, ERP ( Baan SAP) and Business Intelligence
Open Source IT is dedicated to open source software for the enterprise, with a complete lits of open source alternatives to enterprise proprietary software.
IT Consulting | ERP & Web Services | Apps Development | Trai...
SRISYS is a IT Consulting Services Company in Cincinnati offering ERP Services, Web Services, Applications Development, and Oracle Training by enhancing Productivity & Ma...
GetFast Software Company, Website Building, Website Making, Web...
The Web get fast software building in Birmingham England supports: UK eCommerce solutions, UK database driven website, UK graphic design...and UK software: erp, cmr, prj...
Business Software - IRIS Software & Services
IRIS is the largest private software provider in the UK, providing business and accounting solutions to 60,000 UK customers.
Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd. - Make your system go more quickly!
Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd. provides systems performace tuning consultacy, specialising in PeopleSoft/Oracle systems.
Openbravo : web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutio...
Openbravo ERP is the web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for SMB. Openbravo ERP, the leading web-based open source ERP
Oliver Wight International
Oliver Wight provide long-term coaching and support for clients striving to attain business excellence through sustainable behaviour change.
Brightpearl is Web Based Accounting, CRM, Stock control, Invoici...
Online accounting software and online crm software for businesses. Build a solid foundation for growth with our integrated cloud computing systems. Prices from just &poun...

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