Green Family Ideas - Green Living Tips
Green Family Ideas provides free green living tips for saving money in and around your home while helping to clean up the environment and save the planet at the same time...
McAvoy - Think Smart. Build Smart.
Using the very latest in off-site design and building technologies, we specialise in designing, creating, installing and commissioning projects to the highest specificati...
Coloursound Consultants. Maximise Your Equipment's Performance
At Coloursound Consultants we understand the importance of audio and visual installations in today’s home and business environment and we provide solutions for our...
A Personal View of Nature, Poetry, Life and the Universe: What m...
Nature, Poetry and Prose, Life, Space and the Universe, - all for comment and interaction
Environmental, conservation and biodiversity advice to farmers -...
The Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) is the UK's only independent and dedicated provider of environmental and conservation advice and consultancy to farmers and...
The Coach and Horses, Hotel Kew Gardens, Young’s Hotel
The Coach and Horses Kew is a traditional pub and coaching inn near Kew Gardens in London. It’s well known for its warm welcome, friendly atmosphere and beautiful hotel r...
Able UK Ltd - shipbreaking, offshore, demolition, port facilitie...
Able UK Ltd (ABLE) is a multi role and versatile organisation built on total reliability and respect for the environment, which has developed into a major specialist in t...

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