EsoftWorld - Global Business Management Consulting, Technology...
EsoftWorld is a leading India headquartered global software company, empowering its clients with powerful IT infrastructure and high quality systems.
Care2 - largest online community for healthy and green living, h...
Largest online community empowering people to lead a healthy and green lifestyle while taking action on important causes such as human rights, animal welfare and global w...
PurpleTab - virtual trial room, digital catalog, jewelry mobile...
Leaders in jewel virtual trial room, digital catalogue, jewellery mobile applications. Jewelry catalog software solutions for iPad, Android tablets
DailyPlan - Collaboration in social care and support
Collaborative planning for independent and supported living environments. Empowering the people receiving support and those providing the support to communicate and plan...
CARE Australia - International humanitarian aid organisation fig...
CARE is an international humanitarian aid organisation fighting global poverty, with a special focus on empowering women and girls to bring lasting change to their commun...
Santa Monica Preschool Pilgrim Lutheran Preschool
Santa Monica Preschool Top Preschool in Santa Monica Pilgrim Lutheran Preschool Centered in Christ,kindergarten readiness,language development skills, social and emotiona...
Cost Reduction | UK's Leading Service Provider | TM Resourc...
TM Resource is one of the UK’s leading cost reduction services providers, empowering companies to increase profitability without any risk or added cost

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