Waterless Car Wash | Drywash waterless car wash | Valeting for c...
Reclaim your time with Miracle Drywash - the waterless car wash and car cleaning product that cleans your car quickly & easily. No buckets, hosepipes, or wellies required...
M&C Energy Group Ltd| Energy Consultants| Energy Management Serv...
World leaders in energy consultancy & management M&C Energy Group provide 1st class energy services, saving money & improving energy efficiency for clients
The European Alliance for Companies for Energy Efficiency in Bui...
EuroACE works together with the EU institutions to help Europe move towards a more sustainable pattern of energy use in buildings. Thereby contributing to the EU's commit...
Water Group Promotions - water saving and the efficient use of w...
Water Group Promotions works with the water industry to promote water efficiency
SunPower - the global leader in high-efficiency solar solutions
SunPower provides photovoltaic PV power plant development and has an internationally scalable project development platform which includes engineering, legal and project f...
Meniscus Process and Energy Monitoring and Optimisation Services
Meniscus web based real time process monitoring, energy management and electricity bill validation services
Gorgeous Office - home of National Office Week
National Office Week is a campaign designed to make YOUR office life gorgeous. Over the year you will have access to all the things that you or your office needs to make...
Herne Consultants: international Project and Interim Management.
Typical Projects include Business Continuity (BCP / DR), Corporate Relocation, Business efficiency improvement (BPR) and Cross-cultural projects. Fluency in various Europ...
Legal Software - emis intellectual technology
emis intellectual technology supply time and cost saving solutions to professional organisations looking for greater efficiency in every facet of their business process.
Energy monitoring and efficiency software for utility management...
Energy and utility efficiency system monitoring utility management, water, gas and electricity usage. An environmental and cost reduction service for industry. Display en...

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