Mayville High School is a small, independent school situated clo...
Mayville High School Southsea is a small caring independent school for 1+ to 16 year olds. Boys and Girls are taught separately. Dyslexia and Able Child Specialist Dep...
Toe By Toe - the revolutionary reading scheme
Toe By Toe provides information for anyone involved in the teaching of adults or children who suffer from specific learning difficulties (dyslexia). This enables teachers...
The British Dyslexia Association - Online Shop
The British Dyslexia Association - Online Shop - Parents and Families Education Adults Corporate Fiction for Dyslexics Canon Education ecommerce, open source, shop, onlin...
iansyst providing assistive technology for disabled people
iansyst providing assistive technology for disabled people, disabilities including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, visual impairment, deafness, hard of hearing, repetit...
INPP - The Institute for Neuro - Physiological Psychology - Trea...
The Institute for Neuro - Physiological Psychology, INPP provide research, information, treatment and training regarding Neuro-Developmental Delay (NDD) & Learning Di...
The dyslexia website from Xtraordinary People
Dyslexia information, advice and the latest from xtraordinary people and their dyslexia campaigning for children.
Online British Sign Language Course - Learn Online
Learn British Sign Language online with our 7 week 'Introduction to British Sign Language'. By the end of this course you will be able to communicate with users of BSL
Barrington Stoke - Publishing fantastic books for dyslexic and s...
Publishing fantastic books for dyslexic and struggling readers

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