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Geographic Numbers - Welcome to The Telephone Number Discount Wa...
Telephone Number Discount Warehouse are one of the largest suppliers of geographic numbers and inbound call solutions in the UK with over 9 million numbers available. Adv...
International - O2
Find information calling abroad from the UK with your mobile phone. Find out how to dial an overseas number, save money with International Bolt-Ons, where to find interna...
Cable Forum
A website dedicated to the British cable industry. Provides support, help and discussion facilities to cable customers in the United Kingdom, and allows them to voice op...
Cable Forum
A website dedicated to the British cable industry. Provides support, help and discussion facilities to cable customers in the United Kingdom, and allows them to voice op...
DIY Conservatory Supplier, Self Build Conservatories from Dial a...
Fitted and DIY Conservatories UK, PVCu, Hardwood, Aluminium. Self build or fully installed conservatories. Free guides, Tips, Online Offers, Conservatory Gallery
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FREE unlimited e-mail at a cool address - yourname{a} plus FREE unlimited web space at All this plus more ABSOLUTELY FREE from F...
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The Old Telephone Company. Exclusively antique and old telephone...
Ring back memories with an old phone. Telephone Antique dealer specialising in buying, restoring, and selling old and antique telephones from around 1900 to the 1970's.

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