Voiplatinum | International Wholesale Voip Telecom Carrier
Voiplatinum, a Malta Telecom Carrier deploying 30 millions on min of voice traffic per month. Thanks to his 200 voip interconnections with the best carriers
MSC Mobility Solutions
MobileIron, AirWatch, Citrix, BlackBerry and more. Reduce the costs & risks associated with deploying & managing smart mobile devices. We are the largest spec...
Apache CloudStack: Open Source Cloud Computing
CloudStack is open source cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services
Training, Human Resources,Quality Management,Training Building W...
First HR is a mission towards Simplifying Human Processes, We help organizations in developing and deploying world-class HRD practices benchmarked with globally successfu...
SEROPTYX is a world leading provider of 'innovative leadership learning solutions'. Welcome to the world of 'in-sourced' training and productive, profit-based solutions!

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