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eBUSINESS INDYA : The Largest Indian Database On CD-ROMS : India...
The Largest Indian Database On CD-ROMs, companies database, companies email ids, India Direct Marketing, Email Database, Email Marketing Software, Bulk Mailer, Mass Email...
Sunspace home: website and database services Bristol.
Bristol based web and database solutions providers for businesses, charities and other organisations
Code samples, articles and tips for SQL Server DBA's covering SQL2000 and SQL2005
Database Developer-CCL, Custom Database Development & Datab...
Database developer - Database development for small and medium sized businesses in the UK. Custom database design, database templates and update and re-develop databases
Codefixer - ASP tutorials, ASP.NET tutorials, ASP Programming, A...
ASP, ASP.NET tutorials, programming, code and free scripts for the beginner to intermediate ASP developer.
Infield Systems - oil, gas & marine business analysis & intellig...
Infield Systems provides; data, forecast reports, mapping, business advisory, transaction support and commercial due diligence products and services to the offshore oil...
Windows Hosting Linux Web Hosting ASP.NET Hosting PHP Hosting UK...
Web hosting on Linux web hosting and Windows web hosting servers. Including ASP.NET hosting, PHP hosting, SQL Server, MySQL, Managed Server, Reseller Solutions and virtua...
Dissertation Writing | Custom Dissertation Writing - Leading Dis...
Dissertation Master- The Leading Dissertation and Thesis Writing Company - in the industry of Dissertation and Thesis Writing Services Providing Companies. Get affordable...
Article Directory - My Articles World | Free article publishing...
My Articles World is a free article directory; it has large number of articles on all topics, issues and personalities. Large number of authors providing best and top qua...

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