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Apostolic in Faith, American by Birth, believer in God and the Constitution.
Old house conservation information
understanding how to care for old houses and buildings in a conservative way and how to carefully repair old and listed buildings using traditional materials
The Conservative Party
The latest news, policies, videos and campaigns from the Conservative Party, led by David Cameron.
Politics Blog
The Politics Blog. Debate and discussion of political topics and current events. Frequently updated news.
Liberal International (LI) is the world federation of liberal and democratic political parties. the pre-eminent network for promoting liberalism, individual freedom, huma...
Peter Bottomley: Member of Parliament for Worthing West
The official site of Peter Bottomley, Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) for Worthing West.
Vote for Change - Conservatives and Unionists
The Conservatives and the Ulster Unionists are giving the voters of Northern Ireland real change in this year's General Election.