Trading in a wide range of Construction, Plant and Machinery. We buy and sell everything from a single Concrete Mixer to Mini-Diggers, Excavators and Dumpers and the whol...
Dynotile - Not just any garage floor tiles or coverings, but a revolutionary new garage tiling product designed to meet all your garage and concrete floor covering needs...
Pennine Fencing and Landscaping is the North West's biggest supplier of fencing panels, we also stock large quantities of Posts, Gates, Sheds, Playhouses, Log Cabins, and...
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CEMEX UK is a leading supplier of cement, readymix concrete, mortars, screeds, aggregates, asphalts, concrete block paving, SUDS, roof tiles, concrete blocks, beam & bloc...
Hy-Ten - suppliers of concrete reinforcement, bamtec, gabions, fencing, industrial mesh, galvanised lintels, structural steel, sheet piles.
We supply a wide range of waterproofing and building materials including lightweight foamed concrete, waterproofing membranes, fire protection coatings, joint sealants, a...
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Northern Ireland web directory with live local, national, entertainment news, whats on, cinema listings and gig reviews.