As loving pet owners Lincolnshire Pet Crematorium understands your loss. At the same time we provide a professional pet cremation and funeral service for your pet
Buy the best in 20th Century ceramics. We are specialists in old and vintage Moorcroft vases, bowls and plates, Retro Troika pottery from Cornwall, art deco Clarice Cliff... is a page about the award-winning English author of crime novels Martin Edwards. His books include the Harry Devlin and Lake District series.
Colourful coffins is the UK's leading supplier of environmentally friendly custom design picture coffins and caskets. We work with individuals, families and funeral direc...
Manufacturers of high quality mortuary equipment, body trays, mortuary chambers, coffin biers and trolleys
Super-villain Gru (Steve Carell) hatches a plot to become the world's greatest super-villain in Despicable Me. Watch trailers, view pictures and play games on the officia...
Discount provider of quality funeral caskets delivered quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. 18-gauge steel caskets, 20 guage caskets, solid hardwood caskets, venee...
Avalon Funeral Supplies Ltd is one of the UK’s largest independent manufacturers of quality coffins and caskets