Greenfield Solutions Kolkata : SEI Transition Partner, Provides...
Greenfield Solutions - SEI Transition Partner. We provide CMMI Consulting & Appraisal, Process Consulting on ISO 9001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001 from Kolkata, India
Agile methods, CMMI level 5, and Scrum automation tools
Task Trimmer's The Guide is a comprehensive software that automates intellectual work and supports CMMI, Scrum and agile methods. Get CMMI level 5 easily!
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stpsoft - the software requirements company
Our products enable Business Analysts to elicit requirements from Users and to validate these in a visual way through storyboarding.
Welcome to CMMI Made Practical: CMMI Made Practical Conference 2...
Claim your free ipod Nano from our early bird booking offer for CMMI Made Practical2011 held at the prestigious Institute of Directors. Here you’ll discover h...
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Gestaltung und Optimierung der Software Engineering- und Management-Prozesse
I.T. UNITED - China Application Development & IT Outsourcing
I.T. UNITED is a trusted offshore outsourcing partner for application development, business process outsourcing, interactive marketing and systems integration. Recognized...
ISO 9000 and TQM Consultants India,ISO 9001 Consultant India,ISO...
ISO 9000 and TQM Consultants India, ISO 9001 Consultant India, ISO 27001 Service Providers, SEI CMMI Consultants in India, ISO 14001 Consultancy Services India, ISO 20000...

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