Botsta - Artificially Intelligent Chat Bot
Botsta is an online artificially intelligent chat bot which has the ability to learn from its conversations. Converse with Botsta now!
Gay Dating Tips & Advice | How To Meet Gay Men | How To Date...
This site teaches you how to meet the guys you're interested by getting rid of your fear of rejection, coming up with clever things to say and knowing how to bond in...
Internet design and marketing like it should be - From the Cleve...
Internet design and marketing like it should be - From the Clever Web People at Harmony Internet
Ringtones, get a Free iPuppy with all the very latest Vbase music Ringtone tones, Download the ultimate mobile puzzle FREE & See where you rank in the co...
The Brilliant Kenny Everett
A Tribute To A Brilliant Broadcaster Kenny Everett, Who Entertained Everyone With His Clever Tape Splicing, Jingles And Music Links, Hear Excerpts Of Kenny's Shows From P...
TVR Parts : Home : Clever Trevor
Clever Trevor are one of the leading TVR parts supplier.
Web Design Berkshire | Web Development
A Web design agency in Berkshire who create clever websites and web applications for successful companies who understand the value of a good web strategy
Null Hypothesis | The Journal Of Unlikely Science
A light-hearted look at the weird world of science and technology. A mixture of spoof science and fascinating real research mixed up with everything that’s strange...
Rummble - for people and places you love.
Rummble - for people and places you love. Using clever algorithms Rummble makes it easier to find people and places nearby that you will like. It works anywhere - you can...

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