- - The Largest Job Search Engine for employment
Search for jobs by location, work type and classification or browse job ads at SEEK Job Search. Green Travel and Sustainable Tourism Directory of...
co-operative directory of genuine eco-friendly, environmentally and socially responsible travel, tourism and hotel companies classified with number of green stops awarded...
Strong and Herd : Import and Export Training and Consultancy
Strong and Herd offer specialist import and export training services, consultancy and shipping office services
UDC Consortium: Welcome to the Universal Decimal Classification...
The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval...
European Marine Life - Discover marine fauna and flora from the...
This site explains the biology of marine animals and provides many illustrated descriptions of the main marine species from west Europe.
Idris | Idris Home
Information on Idris their automatic vehicle detection and classification technology, and the owner Diamond Consulting Services (DCS) of Dinton, Aylsbury, Bucks, United K...
Hosokawa Micron Ltd
Hosokawa Micron Limited is a member of the Hosokawa Micron Group. Formed initially by the amalgamation of Alpine Process Technology and Hosokawa, later joined by Hosokawa...
Classification of single malt whiskies.
Traffic Technology Ltd - Road Safety, Traffic, People & Cycl...
Traffic Technology Ltd provide advanaced Radar Speed, Classification products for Transportation Engineers. Home of the Smiley SID, Speed Indicator Display and SDR a lead...
Consultancy in Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Regulations

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