Publishers of books by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) and related works on modern spirituality, personal development and anthroposophy. On-line sales with book descriptions a...
The Christian Centre is a thriving multi-cultural Christian Church in the heart of Nottingham, led by David Shearman and affiliated to Assemblies of God.
Worldwide Christian Travel, Christian Pilgrimage Travel, Christianity Travel Booking, Pilgrimage Holiday Tours, Christian Holiday Pilgrimages, Christian Holy Land Pilgrim...
The Whithorn Trust was established in 1986 as an independent Trust to explore the archaeology and history of Whithorn and to examine its role in the evolution of Christia...
Richard Abbott - Old Testament Studies - discussions of the Bible text, other texts from the same era of history, archaeological results, and other topics such as ancient...
The Teachers Enterprise in Religious Education is to share good resources, ideas, initiatives with colleagues and hopefully to encourage other schools to contribute to it...
Word at Work is a FREE short email, delivered to home, work or on the move. One or two Bible verses with explanation and prayer each day.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of mankind, is the central figure of the Christian faith.
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Christian apologetics from a science graduate