Walking holidays,Walking and hiking holidays in Wales,UK, Britain,England, Scotland,Ireland,Eire and Europe,with baggage transfer,Celtic Trails Walking Holidays,Guided an...
Celtmyth - the personalised candle shop. We specialise in elegant personalised candles such as wedding candles, memorial candles, baptism candles and unity candles. Stock...
The Gold Ring Duo-Live Celtic music duo catering for weddings, wedding receptions, corporate events and other events in UK. Celtic harp,flute,Uilleann pipes and other ins...
Ley Line Tours Scotland, Knights Templar Location Tours Scotland, Sacred Geometry Tours Scotland, Spiritual Tours Scotland, Sacred Site Tours Scotland, Rosslyn Chapel Tou...
Greetings cards for all occasions designed and made in Wales, can be personalised in Welsh or English, buy on-line from Celtic Reflections
Celtic Programmes Online - for collectors of Celtic Football Club match programmes, tickets, badges and other memorabilia
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