SchNEWS - the free weekly direct action newsheet produced in Brighton, UK, since 1994 covering environmental and social issues, direct action protests and campaigns, both...
Articles, book information, audio and video from clinical psychologist and author Oliver James
Official Militant Tendency website. Thirty two years of Militant, now The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party, with links to the Socialist Party, details of campaigns...
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Socialist Workers Party, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-imperialist party based in Britain.
Socialist Worker, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist socialist newspaper based in Britain.
Socialist news, policies and Marxist analysis, socialist campaigns, anti-war campaigns, support for workers’ and student struggles in Nigeria
funny crap, capitalism, crapitalism, capitalist money madness, socialism, socialist, david cameron photohopped, david cameron posters, gordon brown, conservatives, tories...