Specialist solutions provider for all forms of security and acce...
Miras Security Solutions is a specialist distributor and solutions provider for all forms of security and access control including biometrics, smartcards, cctv, pedestria...
Consult Hyperion: Thought leaders in digital money and digital i...
Consult Hyperion is an independent IT consultancy that specialises in secure electronic transactions.
Security Document World - Biometrics, Passports, ID Cards and Vi...
Security Document World - Cutting-edge news and information for the electronic and traditional security document industry including Biometrics, Passports, ID Cards and Vi...
Intercitylocks Ltd Superstore Supply Security Locks, Masterkeyed...
Intercitylocks Ltd Superstore Supply Security Locks, Masterkeyed Systems, Multipoint locks Deadlocks Over 6000 Locks Online. Our locks include, multipoint locks, door loc...
UK Biometrics News Blog - Biometric Security & Access Biometrics
Biometrics.co.uk - the Biometrics information blog with daily updates on the Biometrics Industry, including the famous Fingerprint Biometric.
Specifier Magazines - Safety and Security specialist publishers
Specifier Magazines - the leading publication for Security, Health and Safety information.
Kaba Ltd - Security Systems, Access Control, Locking Systems
Kaba is a world leader in security systems including revolving doors, workforce management, access control, time and attendance, camlocks, turnstiles, push button locks...
Welcome to Now Communications: Integrated marcomms for the now e...
Integrated marketing and media for business technology, sport and leisure
Learning Pool | Public Sector Learning Community
Online Learning and eLearning for the Public Sector
Fingerprint Software SDK | Fingerprint Reader | Fingerprint Scan...
Award-winning fingerprint software and wide variety of fingerprint scanners. Avoid the fingerprint SDK headache. Rapidly integrate Bio-Plugin into any Windows or web app...

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