Crime Fiction Database.
Homepage of crime fiction authors, books and links.
Home - Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing is a publisher of academic books, mostly in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Graham Masterton: The Official Site
The Official Graham Masterton site includes a biography, full interactive bibliography, up-to-date news, interviews, a message board and links to other places of interest...
carversite: raymond carver
Raymond Carver was a short story writer and poet. Carversite features audio, story, video, biography, photographs, poems, quotations, bibliography, more.
Get inspiration, meet with authors and readers, share your opinion on favourite Random House Group books. Visit ReadersPlace and set up your book club profile!
Brycchan Carey - Home Page
Brycchan's website offers insights into eighteenth-century English and Afro-British literature, images of Cornwall and the Cornish, and literary links and images
Books on Bowls. Index
The most comprehensive source of information about books, videos and DVDs on the game of bowls - anywhere
Howard Hodgkin: the authorised website
Howard Hodgkin has pursued his independent path as a painter for over fifty years. His uniquely intense sensibility is matched by his vision and his courage as an artist.
Liquid Medicine - Medication For Those With Swallowing Difficult...
Do you suffer from dysphagia or have problems swallowing tablets? We manufacture and distribute a range of liquid medicine alternatives to tablet prescriptions
The Wisdom of Whores
HIV/AIDS, public policy, epidemiology.

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