Barefoot Running Shoes | Barefoot shoes such as Vibram FiveFinge...
An online store specialising in minimalist / barefoot running shoes. We stock barefoot shoes such as Invisible shoes, Luna sandals and Vibram FiveFingers.
Neutral Bay Club | Tennis, Bowls & Bistro | Sydney's North S...
Competitive and social tennis & bowls, court hire, a Fox Sports Bar, two function rooms and heated deck. Our Bistro serves coffee, cakes, pizzas & pub food.
The Soma institute - Diploma in Chavutti Thirumal Massage
The Soma Institute offers training courses in Chavutti Thirumal or the Barefoot system, an all over body massage applied principally with the foot. Chavutti Thirumal is a...
Vibram Five Finger,Cheap Vibram Five Finger Shoes Online Sales
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Personal Trainer Brighton - Joe Addison Personal Training
Personal Trainer Brighton Joe Addison offers personal training in Brighton & Hove. Qualified fitness instructor, weight loss advisor and barefoot runner.
Farrier Tools and Cattle Foot Trimming Supplies, Hoofcare Produc...
Equine and bovine hoofcare products for the farrier, barefoot trimmer, equine podiatrist, cattle foot trimmer, dairy farmer and herdsman